God IS With Us

It was a February afternoon in 1981. Robin and I were on a dirt road in the Arizona mountains a few miles west of Show Low. I had shown her where I used to live and was showing her a shortcut I used to take on my bicycle. It was so quiet you could hear things from miles away. There were patches of snow here and there along the roadside and we had to dodge a few mud puddles in the road. We came upon a puddle too wide to pass, so we decided to turn around. As I neared the edge of the road to begin my turn, we got stuck in slippery sticky clay mud. We tried rocking, pushing, and putting sticks and leaves under the tires, but we were hopelessly stuck.

It was getting colder and would be dark soon. There we were, a couple of 19 year old girls who hadn't told anyone where we were going, stuck in the mountains on a winter afternoon.

Neither of us had set foot in a church for years, but we decided to pray anyway. We sent a short prayer to God asking for help and when we opened our eyes a truck was there with a couple of cowboys in it. We hadn't heard them come, and only had our eyes closed for less than a minute. They asked if we needed help, and we told them we did. As they were attaching a strap to pull us out, they told us that the top 2 inches of the road were dry, but that it was very muddy underneath, so we shouldn't stop until we got to the top of the hill.

We headed up the hill thinking they were right behind us since that was the direction they were heading, but when we stopped to thank them, they had disappeared in the same way they had suddenly appeared.

Thirty nine years have passed since that day, but whenever either of us feels like God doesn't care, we remind each other that God sent our guardian Angels to rescue us, a couple of silly 19 year old girls, and He's still here with us in all that we do. We just need to ask, and He's ready and waiting to help us.

Written by Jacqui Abejar